Zeffinex &; Su-chan
Well, here I am with my newest installment; Making Dough. Hope you enjoy... (This was x-posted to Lumiscence)

Title: Making Dough

By: Zeffinex

Length: Chaptered series

Rating: PG-13

Genres: Humor, Romance, Fiction, General, School, Slice of Life

Summary: Lael and Yoka have been friends since they could remember; they've spent their summers side by side, went to school together all the time. So it's no surprise that when Yoka is invited to join the student council, she will do anything to drag Lael in as well, though it contradicts with her usually indifferent attitude. But is it really worth the wave of troublesome obstacles and dark secrets that come tumbling down to wash them away in a cold shower? The making of a cake; one miserable step at a time.

~Making Dough~

.:Everycake was a lump of dough at the beginning:.

Part I: Unclaimed Property

It had always occured for Lael to think that one day they would ultimately be seperated. Slowly, the time they spent apart progressively grew, until in the end, they had spent almost the whole of last summer without each other. The blond haired girl never really thought about it, since they were just going on with their seperate part-time jobs. They still called each other on a regular basis, during breaks between shifts and sometimes sneaking one of two while pretending to be on a washroom break.

But really, the news was quite shocking, considering its ridiculous timing.

It was just last week (thought it was as clear as if it had taken place only yesterday in her mind), when she and Yoka were having lunch outside on the steps leading up to the library. They usually ate there; Yoka enjoyed the peace and quiet atmosphere the old building aspired, and with the greenhouse just a few feet away, the scenery was quite the shot. Lael didn't pay any particular attention to anything except what was in her plate, it didn't matter to her where her friend wanted to eat.

Lael wondered what she had done to deserve this. She hadn't comitted anything beyond skipping one class last semester because she didn't finish a project, so she didn't see why the student council wanted to torment her so. Couldn't they just talk to Yoka privately afterschool? Well, she'd finish by knowing it, but it would have sounded much more easier to accept coming from her frend's mouth. (She forgot that she walked Yoka home momentarily.)

"Yoka Misuri, from second year, class B?"

Both teenage students raised their heads to look up at the speaker. Yoka almost immediately jerked awake, while Lael continued shoving food into her mouth, being the inattentive person she was and not picking up the 'Student Council' label printed in large black font on the red armband worn close to the shoulder.

"Baka, snap out of it, the council is here to see us," her Japanese friend spat, planting her chopsticks into the side of her friend's head (which was surprisingly hard).

"Actually, Miss Misuri, I'm here to see you," the brown haired girl, slightly older than the pair, corrected. Yoka could barely see the remaining streaks of original brown through the curtain of purple highlights that tainted the newcomer's hair.

"See me? For what?" Yoka asked casually, in such a flat tone it didn't even come out as a question.

"You have been admitted to be part of the Student Council," the girl continued, a large smile stretching across her mischievously cheerful features. "We just need you to sign right... there."

Yoka ignore the finger planted on the blank spot that read 'Signature here', while Lael, for her part, had her large emerald eyes glued onto that very spot, spoon still stuck in her mouth that was hanging open, a shocked expression plastered on her usually bright face.

"And why are they admitting me?" Yoka retorted, having gone back to her lunch. It seemed as if she and Lael had switched places; her attention going to the dish set on her lap, the blond girl's stuck to a paper that didn't even have the slightes shadow of her name printed on it.

"Because we're missing on member since his graduation last year, and you fulfill all the requirements splendidly."

"Tell them I'll think about it."

"Sure~ Hope you have a good day, Miss Misuri, and good-bye."

"...What the heck, Yoka?"

"--el, Miss St-Michael?"
Lael snapped out of the daze she was in, plucked the end of her pen out of her mouth and gaze a blooming smile to the math teacher standing at the front of the class, her eyes planted on her.


"Umm, we took the presences half an hour ago, Miss St-Michael."

"Oh-uh sorry?"

The blond haired girl smiled sheepishly before dropping her chin back into the palm of her hand, chewing franctically onto the tip of her pin without even knowing she was doing so. Her emerald eyes were focused on some inexistent point, and her mind was lost somewhere in her own world.

"Tell them I'll think about it."

Think about it?! Did she really even have to think about it? Wasn't the answer clear enough? If she joined the council, she would have to take time off of her personal activities, already that it was short, and at school she would spend most of her day in the Student Council tower, situated not far from the old Library, in other words, apart from Lael. It seemed the answer was very clear to her; it was a straightforward, honest and completely unshakable no.

The teenage girl shook her head, trying to chase those thoughts away from her and at the time trying to grasp them tighter. No, she couldn't have these selfish thoughts. She knew she might have to come around and accept Yoka's decision, whatever it was, to seperate from her, one day. But no one said it had to be today.

No one said she had to let go of this friendship even time had not worn off yet just because some pimpsy little brats from the Student Council wanted her to. Not even the raging sea had worn off as little as one centimeter of their soli rock; so was this small gust of warm wind going to blow them apart? Since when had they become so fragile that Lael had to actually worry about being torn apart?

"Hey, baka, class is over."

It wasn't those words spewn to sting, the harsh tone set out to cut, that woke her up, it was the hardcover dictionary that came crashing onto her head that shook her out of the labyrinth created by the myriad of questions swirling in her mind. Hey, no matter how solid her skull seemed, she was only human.

Only human to support this kind of rupture.

"Yoka, are you going to join the council?"

"Mm. Maybe."

An uncomfortable silence settled between them, despite the rowdy and loud crowd of student around them. Lael was so absorbed into their own world, all sound coming from outside was automatically classified as useless by her nerves and blocked out of her brain. This continued on until Lael had gathered up the courage, if she had really needed any at all, to raise and voice out her opinion.

"Yoka, I don't want you to go into the council."

It came out with some kind of waver to it. Yoka whipped her head around to stare at the blond student with wide chestnut eyes. Lael thought for a second that she had never seen Yoka so shocked before; but pushed that thought away. It wasn't exactly top priority at the moment.

"Because if you go, you're going to have to spend a large amount of time with them, and you'll leave me here... And you know I don't have any other friends, Yoka. Well at least not people to whom I can talk to so casually like to, with whom I can be myself all the time and make stupid mistakes without getting laughed at. And--"

"Baka, that was just so lame, you know?" the Japanese girl said, almost sighing. She shook her head in what seemed to be exasperation. "You are you hopeless, you know that? What kind of immature brat are you? Who said I'd leave you alone?"

"You mean you're not joining the Student Council?"

"I never said I wasn't!"

"Then what do you mean?!"

"I meant I'm going to get you into it too!"

"Then why didn't you just say so? You just love going around and making me look like a baka, don't you?!"

"Haha, maybe you're right for once, moron."

"Why, I'd like to see you laughing if you were in my place! I can't believe I was actually worried there! In fact, I don't mind if you go into the council, who'd wanna stick around with you?"

"Well, don't come crying when I do."

But of course none of the above was heartfelt. And so their bickering continued on until the bell rang, signaling to them they had earned a free pass to see the secretary and have a big red stamp in their agendas. Above, Lady Fate was sneering down at them.

To be continued in Part II...

A/N: Ahaha, so, how did you guys like it so far? ^^ I've really gotta sharpen my skills again, I spent about ten minutes wondering why there were no spaces seperating my paragraphs each time I clicked 'Preview' ^^ Anyways, this chapter was intended to be longer, but so what, at least I got it up... And I didn't even fit half of the info on Yoka and Lael that I wanted to D,: Damn me. I'll write a much longer chapter tomorrow~ Sorry everyone~

-Zeph <3
Zeffinex &; Su-chan
Nyanya, heyas there, people~ Tis is where me shallz be putting small link to the another new blog xD This time for our sistahood 8D Which consists of me, Runes, Bunny and Tophiez x3

Here ish da adresse, and hope to see you there too~!


(Also, Bunniez, when you get on MSN, ask Tophz or me for ta login info)
Zeffinex &; Su-chan
Yes, I rock at coming up with titles! Anyways, onward with the updates and news. *Su-zu style* LOL :) This will be in third person, practice is needed for authorship&writing in the future. Along with formal-speak! Oh. My. Gosh. I need to practice formal-speak later on, perhaps I should include a one shot story later to attempt the skills and at least semi-master the difficult writing technique... *sparkles float around*

Recently I have discovered a splendid adoptables creation website, I shall be using it in the near future to create adoptables for our Fan Fiction stories (Ex:'s being Shun&Alice)! So, you'll be able to hold your own level-able character from one of our ah-mazing stories and have them evolve from a child or chibi form. Sounds cool, huh? I'll have to work extremely hard on photoshop to create the correct baby/first form, though, along with all the other forms. Perhaps I'll have three or four? The third can be an adult form... and the final can be a couples' form where you get a spoiler? Ahaha! XDD I SHOULD MAKE A YAOI ONE! LAWL, People would love-love that. I am already working on some yaoi art anyways, don't assume things. It's merely Otto x Wing from H.I.V.E.* I'll describe them so you can get somewhat of an idea, alright-y? [Otto: Photographic memory, surpassed his superiors' knowledge by age 10 (teachers, gov. officials, etc), snow white hair, nearly translucent skin, knows a great deal about robotics, not athletic, and the shorter of the two. Otto relies on Wing to protect him from his clever yet rude way of speaking and thinking, he often offends ape-faced bulky assistants-in-training-students. (My imagination claims him as cute, but that's just my imagination) Wing: The taller of the two, extremely athletic, stealthy, controls and hides emotions skillfully, excels in hardcore physical activities, alpha material, relies on Otto for emotional and mental stability. Without his newly found friend in the Villainous Academy surely he would have succumbed.]

M'kay, so far I think I've done okay with this 'update' thing. Generally I have problems thinking of something to write and of the like. Moving on~ Su-zu will now include the fic's she's going to start/attempt to write.

I have multiple ideas for a fan-fiction along with original works (The main center is Bakugan: New Vestroia, so I'm not even going to bother putting that down under fan works. 'Cos the fan works I have ideas for are only things I'll be working on when I have or find time and or when I have no other ideas, kay?). I shall begin from the fan-fiction and conclude with the original works, if that suits you. Otherwise you could just scroll down and gradually come up as you go? It really doesn't matter. I'll probably throw in some pointless yuri / yaoi along the way in case my other would like it so.
Eevee's Adventure, The tails of Eeveelution.
Silver Light. Most probably starring the legendaries and their point of view.
Dobermon and Alice, Perishing at twilight.
Angelic Layer;
Misaki-chi, Do you like my brother?
Battle of Angels.

Alls all for fan shiz. Time for orginals. Okay, I need a specific layout style of how to place things...
(Title; Description; Main Chara/s;)

Negative Relations. The world has fallen into an endless abyss of chaos and despair, animals have reverted to their nature-borne instincts, humans have disappeared off the face of the Earth- so it would appear. Spirits enabled certain creatures, animals, great power to maintain balance in the world. The prosperity and survival of all relies upon two lupine who have the properties of Yin and Yang... can these two immature canines save the world from the alleged inevitable and impending evil, or will darkness devour all? - Zaire * Male, Mizu * Female.
Lead Wars. Everything seemed dandy, until They demanded a sacrifice from her home town... A small family of four had been singled out by Them. Their names uSeD to bE Thomson Sterling, the fatherly figure. Jamie Sterling, the caring motherly idol. Isle Sterling, the young male of the picture-perfect group. And the one that dared... Kirsten Sterling.They were to be the chosen ones, the sacrificial lambs per-say, their lives would end. Cruelly. Brutally. Painfully. Exceedingly bloody.But there was one that got away... Now They're angry. They've come back to find the missing link... to silence it. Can the remaining survivor, the last of the foursome, Kirsten Sterling... stop Them? ~ Kirsten * Female, -Un-named, still- * Male.
Meh, that's about it for now. I might make some Miku fic's or something. I forget... Enjoy what's left of my Updates.

My family bought some bebbeh chicks :3 They're cute, fluffy, and growing fast! Five silver & cobalt, five cobalt, one red, one yellow. They make up the... BEBBEH ELEVEN! L0L :)
Zeffinex &; Su-chan
Heeey everyone~ x3

This is Zeffi here, and this our third blog~ <3>

Aaaah, now that season three is out, I'm into fic writing mode again~ Though, since the season's only begun, I guess I'm just going to write AU fics for the moment xD And maybe draw a few pics too... And scan them if I ever get around to doing so.

School is burning my ass right now and I really am making too much free time for myself *if I just don't go and drink my weekl buttletea at Chinatown I think that'd be a few hour of more* when I'm SUPPOSED to be doing school work. Ah well.

I hope you enjoy the art and fics we're going to upload here, and we thank you for your care once more!~
